Yesterday was a gray, dreary day, which made it the perfect afternoon for...
In case you're unfamiliar, Muddy Buddies are the crack of the snack world. They're these chocolate-peanut butter-powdered sugar-Rice Chex confections that take about 15 minutes to make and about 5 seconds to consume in their entirety. If you want to make this yourself, I wouldn't rely on the following "recipe" I'm about to post, but Google is your friend in this instance. First, gather your ingredients:
Assemble your helpers:
(Please note: Helpers may be a bit over excited. Usually best done when the baby "helper" is napping.)
Pour your cereal into a large bowl and set aside:
Pry chocolate from hands of preschooler:
Combine your chocolate, butter and peanut butter in a microwave safe dish, heat until smooth and stirrable, add your vanilla. Make sure to leave some chocolate out for quality control purposes:
Pour mixture over cereal, mix well until all pieces are coated. Expect smaller helper to completely lose interest at this point:
Once mixed, allow older helper to pour powdered sugar into bowl, mix well.
(Two notes here. First: The recipe tells you to put the mixture in a two gallon freezer bag and toss the sugar in there. I didn't have one of those and spaced on buying them, so I just divided the mixture into two bowls and stirred well. Second: Five year olds are nearly incapable of smiling normally for photos. This is doubly true if sugar is involved.)
The recipe concludes with "spread Buddies on wax paper, allow to cool.
Funny, waiting was the hardest part of the whole thing.
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